Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I'm back (again). Hopefully for good.

Quoting from my previous blog post:
"I guess that's all I have to share right now, but I'll be updating the blog quite frequently from now on as I have nothing to do until September when my university life starts." -Post examination catch-up (25/7/2012)
Liar liar pants on fire you fat turd. It's been almost four years after "September when my university life starts." But you know what they say, you can't please everybody, so here I am trying to please myself instead with a comeback to the bloggerverse although I doubt hardly anybody reads blogs anymore these days.

I can say this would be a new start for me in the midst of the final year of college - hold up, final year? You old, mayyn. You see I've been *forced* to writing blogs by my father ever since I was a wee boy, writing about almost anything, from family trip reviews, book reviews, to Maple Story related stuff. Yes you read that right, back then I was addicted to Maple Story and I would play every night, but my father being my father decided to set a prerequisite for me to play the game, that is to write a blog post with a minimum of four paragraphs.

Boy was I pissed when this happened, but not as pissed as my father when he sees me play without writing. As time passes I really got used to it, and many years later I finally realized that all that was actually for a greater good, and now I just can't thank my father enough for making me go through all that. Writing definitely was mind-opening, it shaped my discipline, knowledge, and I can say got me this far in life. It was the cornerstone to my life, and I have my strict father to thank for it. Thanks ayah.

Therefore, I have changed this blog name to Ariq's Corner(stone), in tribute to the good old days. You might notice that the first few posts in this blog is filled with stupid teenage angst, complaining about stuff, and I admit they were the result of my blunder years through high-school in which I might add am not ashamed of and those posts are going to stay on this blog for me (and you) to reminisce those blunder years.