With the coronavirus situation getting worse day by day, I have been thinking twice once more on going on group rides. Last night, John recommended me to go on a solo ride to danau Gawir, and being the curious person I am, I instantly looked it up on Google Maps, and thought meh, I'd do that.
And did that I did the next morning. Great weather going through the Mozia BSD area, though shitty traffic management by separating two out of three public road lanes for entitled roadies looping the place. If people wanted to ride in enclosed areas, why opt for a ROAD bike, when you can get a track bike and take it to the track, but I digress.

It was only a 16 km trip from home, but being a wuss on a brakeless fixed gear bike, I just had to get off my bike and walk it down every unfamiliar kampung road descends. I had a hunch at a particular downhill descend into a corner, as I was walking my bike, a large bule was speeding down, and suddenly a Yamaha X-Max crossed the road, but it had been too late for the mister as he locked and skidded right into the scooter. I didn't bother to stop and help because the bule was fine and stood right up to yell at the dumb scooter rider. I guess he wasn't wrong, the bule did have the right of way and the scooter should've stopped and looked around before merging from an alley into a road.
Relying on Google Maps sucked on a bike in unfamiliar roads, because you'd have to stop to check whether you made the right turn or not, I got lost a bit, but finally managed to find a small off-beaten and muddy path which eventually led to the lake.
It was quite the view, aside from litter left behind by irresponsible visitors. Fucking degenerates.
Being content after fifteen minutes of pondering about the lake, I went back home, taking a different, but much fixed gear friendly route through Jl Raya Legok, albeit sharing the dusty road with lorries.